
It's Not Just A Ride...
It's An Experience!
*We only take intermediate and experienced riders on the trail.
Ride in the beautiful mountains near Park City, Utah on gaited Paso Finos, Peruvian Pasos, and Kentucky Mountain Horses, the smoothest, most comfortable horses in the world.
We ride all year round. You'll enjoy spectacular scenery and wildlife in all seasons. You will get the "Wind In Your Hair!"
We also offer private horsemanship lessons for beginners. However, beginners cannot go out on the trail.
Australian stock saddles, English saddles and Endurance saddles are available. All saddles have sheepskin covers and add to a secure, comfortable ride.
*Note: An intermediate rider is defined as one who is very comfortable at the canter either in an English saddle or, if in a western saddle, without having to hold on to the horn.
An experienced rider is one who is comfortable at both the canter and the gallop, either in an English or a western saddle. For western riders, this would mean not having to hold on to the horn.
Even if you think you may not be experienced enough to ride with us, please call anyway. We can refer you to another barn which can accomodate you.

So beautiful you and your horses are. How healing it is to have met you, and ridden, in the wind. -Rochelle
Paso Finos and Peruvian Pasos are Spanish horses. The ancestry is Andalusian, Spanish Barb, and Spanish Jenet. They do not trot. Instead, they have a very smooth, 4-beat lateral gait which they inherited from the Spanish Jenet. The Jenet is extinct but the gait is carried on in the line. A loose translation of Paso Fino is "fine step" and they are amongst the smoothest gaited horses in the world. The paso corto is equivalent in speed to a slow, collected trot or a jog, and the paso largo is equivalent in speed to a long extended trot. Most trotting horses would have to be doing a big, long extended trot or even the canter in order to keep up with a Paso Fino doing the largo, but the rider is just sitting there and getting gently rocked. The canter is like sitting in a rocking chair, and the gallop is like riding a cloud.
The breed was originally developed in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic for the Spanish Conquistadores to ride in the New World. They wanted horses which would be comfortable for many hours in the saddle. They needed to be strong and have great stamina and endurance. Paso Finos and Peruvian Pasos are renowned for their naturally hard hooves, smooth gaits and sweet dispositions. They are very sure-footed, making them unparalleled trail and mountain horses.
The first Paso Finos were brought to the United States in the early 1950's by an American woman who had been living in Puerto Rico. The average height is 14 hh - 15 hh and they come in every color! Paso Finos are incredibly versatile, excelling in trail riding, endurance riding and pleasure riding. They are very intelligent and easy to train, learning new things quickly. They are also very people friendly and their temperament is gentle and kind, whilst at the same time being energetic. The Spanish call their spirited nature "brio", which is their essence, their heart and their spirit.
The Peruvian Paso has the same lineage as the Paso Fino and was also bred to carry the Conquistadors into the New World. In Peru the Spaniards bred the mares with Fresian stallions. The result was a horse that still has the same smooth four beat laterial gait of the Paso Fino but it has a higher stepping, more swinging gait called the termino.

Hello, I am Sueanne Clark, owner of Wind In Your Hair Riding. I had my first ride at the age of 6 months, when my grandfather held me in his arms and cantered me around the paddock with him on his Thoroughbred mare, Bonnie, in Melbourne, Australia, in 1951.
I was hooked, and started begging for a horse as soon as I could talk! I would cry myself to sleep at night because my parents wouldn't buy me one, but still I managed to ride fairly regularly all my life. I have ridden, exercised, and trained many different breeds throughout my life, including a string of polo ponies in Hawaii.
Since 1988, I have been teaching people from as young as 4 to as old as 84 years old to ride.
In 1983 I rode a Paso Fino in Hawaii on the beach for the first time and knew then that it was the breed for me. In 1988 I became the trainer of a large heard of Paso Finos, and it has been pure love ever since. I purchased 7 of them, 6 of whom I had raised from foals and trained. In 1997 I started Wind In Your Hair Riding with those origional 7 horses. At one time I had 17 Paso Finos in my herd!
I now have 6 Paso Finos, 4 Peruvian Pasos and a Kentucky Mountain Horse in my herd. I still call them all my "babies"! Their sweet and gentle nature, incredibly smooth gaits, stamina, sure footedness and spirit (the Spanish call it "brio") makes them the most fun, exciting and comfortable ride anywhere.
We ride all year round, even in the snow! Come ride with us! 435-901-4644
This was a grand experience and Sueanne could not have been more lovely. A real seasoned and expert equestrian who takes awesome good care of her clients as she does of her beautiful Paso horses.
Very detailed for quality riding and safety. Heavenly and picturesque location for riding....
-Loretta Zahn

1. Gloves: Generally ski gloves are too thick and you can't feel the reins. Double layer polar fleece gloves are better.
2. Bring silk glove liners or one size fits all stretchy glove liners to wear with them.
3. Hand and and toe warmers.
4. Warm hat (benie or skull cap) that covers the ears, and/or an ear band and neck gator.
5. Sunglasses or snow goggles are important in case of snow or wind.
6. Layers on your top and bottom work best, and will keep you warm. NO COTTON ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY, (including jeans) because when you perspire your fingers and toes will freeze. Wear clothing that will wick away the moisture. Long Johns and ski pants are ideal. Sheepskins on all of the saddles add aditional warmth and security in the saddle.
7. Warm boots that are designed for the snow. Sorrels work okay but are not ideal. No leather or tennis shoes. Your feet will freeze.
8. Socks: Wear two layers. The first layer is a ski sock liner which will wick away the moisture and the second layer is wool, smart wool, or polar fleece. Again, no cotton or cotton blends.
9. Lip balm, sunscreen.
10. Smart phone or camera.
11. Ski helmet or riding helmet if you have your own. (Riding helmets are provided.)
12. Wind and water proof jacket.
13. A 20 or 24 oz. sports water bottle. No screw cap tops as these are hard to manage with gloves on a horse in the winter!
We have water bottle holders and accessory pockets on the saddles. We also have leather "toggles" to tie clothing to the saddle.
We have spares of just about everything in case you can't bring the above mentioned items. Please call Sueanne to discuss if this is the case: (435) 901-4644